Uganda is home to more than 19 species of primates with Kibale National Park having the highest concentration of
primates in one area thus being referred to as the primate capital of the world. Mountain Gorillas are the most
trekked primates and are found in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga National Parks. There are also
Chimpanzees, Baboons not forgetting the different monkey species like Black &white colobus monkeys, Red tailed
monkeys, De brazzaz monkey,l’hoests monkeys, golden monkey, blue monkeys with some found only here. These
cohabit with other wildlife species like plants and birds in the different National parks of the country.
This 8 days safari will take us to different national parks of Uganda from the savannah parks like Murchison Falls
National park & Queen Elizabeth National Park where you will see animals like Buffaloes, warthogs, giraffes,
Elephants, antelopes, lions, Hippopotamus, Nile crocodiles among others to Kibale National Park and Bwindi
Impenetrable National Park for endangered Primates like Chimpanzees and Mountain Gorillas.
Trip highlights
Day 1. Pickup and Transfer to Murchision Falls National Park.
Day 2: Early morning Game Drive, Boat cruise at the bottom of the falls.
Day 3: Transfer to Kibale National Park.
Day 4: Chimpanzee Trekking, Bigodi wetland Nature Walk.
Day 5: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park, Kazinga Channel Boat cruise.
Day 6: Game drive, Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest.
Day 7: Gorilla Trekking, Optional Batwa Experience
Day 8: Transfer to Point of journey origin, Shopping &Photography at the Equator.

Trip detailed Itinerary
Day 1. Pickup and Transfer to Murchision Falls National Park.
Depending on the agreed location, our driver as assigned will pick you up and brief you about the safari before your
transfer to Murchision Falls National Park where along the way; you will have to make a stop over at the Ziwa
Rhino Sanctuary for Rhino Tracking. The sanctuary has a total of 33 Rhinos and the activity takes approximately 2
hours which is a big step to enjoying the big 5 encounter. Lunch shall be served enroute to the Park.
The park will be entered through the Northern Gate from where we head straight to the top of the falls after which
you will check into the hotel for leisure as you wait for dinner to be served as you enjoy your overnight stay.
Drive Time: 5- 6 Hours (Kampala/Entebbe to Murchison falls Park)
Activity Time: 1-3 hours (Rhino tracking), (Top of falls).
Meal Plan: Full Board Basis
Hotel: Paraa safari Lodge (Luxury), Pakuba Safari Lodge (Mid-range), Gipir& Labong Hotel (Budget).
Day 2: Early morning Game Drive, Boat cruise at the bottom of the falls.
After an early morning breakfast, go for an early morning game drive where you will see animals like Buffaloes,
Elephants, Giraffes, Antelopes, warthogs, Bush bucks, Lions among others. As you appreciate the beautiful
landscape the park has to offer, you will also spot different bird species along the way as you explore the major
game trails. After head back to the hotel for lunch.

In the afternoon, go for the boat cruise along the Nile to the bottom of the falls where you will see Nile crocodiles
and hippopotamus coexisting in harmony, you will also spot different animals quenching their thirst along the river
banks, Birds like the African fish eagle, malachite kingfisher can also be spotted not forgetting the breathtaking
landscape the area has to offer. After which head back to the hotel for leisure as you wait for dinner to be served
during your overnight stay.
Drive Time: N/A
Activity Time: 3-4 hours Game drive, 2-3 hours (Nile Boat cruise)
Meal Plan: Full Board Basis.
Hotel: Paraa Safari Lodge (Luxury), Pakuba Safari Lodge (Mid-range), Gipir & Labong Hotel (Budget).
Day 3: Transfer to Kibale National Park.
Have breakfast, check out of the hotel there after your driver will transfer you to Kibale National Park via Masindi
Hoima and kyenjojo as you drive through the scenic country side. Lunch shall be served enroute and when you
reach destination Kibaale check into your preferred hotel for an evening of leisure as you wait for dinner to be
served during your overnight stay.
Drive Time: 6-8hours
Activity Time: N/A
Meal Plan: Half board Basis.
Hotel: kyaninga Safari Lodge (Luxury), Chimpanzee Guest House (Mid-range), Kibaale Forest Camp (Budget).
Day 4: Chimpanzee Trekking, Bigodi wetland Nature Walk.
After an early morning breakfast your driver will transfer you to the park headquarters for a briefing and guidelines
about the Chimpanzees trekking procedure. You are advised to carry a back pack containing drinking water since
the trekking may take between 30minutes to 4hours. After the briefing you will proceed into the jungle with an
experienced park guide following the trekking trails where along the way expect to see different plants and bird
species. When the chimpanzees are tracked you are rewarded with one hour of watching and learning more about
their behaviors as they playfully interact in their natural habitat, here you will also enjoy photo moments with them.
After which trek back to the park headquarters where your driver will pick you up to head back to your hotel for
After Lunch Head for the Bigodi swamp walk which takes approximately 3 hours. Headed by an experienced guide,
during this scenic 4.5km walk you will encounter numerous plant species in the lush vegetation, Primate Species
like Black and white colobus monkeys, blue monkeys not forgetting the olive Baboons among others some of which
roam from the Kibale Forest. Known as a bird’s haven, birds like the Great Blue Turaco, Hornbill are very common
although the wetland holds more than 200 bird species.
After this rewarding experience head back to the hotel for Dinner and overnight stay
Drive Time: N/A
Activity Time: Chimpanzee trekking (2-5hours), Bigodi Wetland Nature walk (2-3hours)
Meal Plan: Full board Basis.
Hotel: kyaninga Safari Lodge (Luxury), Chimpanzee Guest House (Mid-range), Kibale Forest Camp (Budget)
Day 5: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park, Kazinga Channel Boat cruise.
Breakfast will be served, check out of the hotel from where your driver will transfer you to Queen Elizabeth
National Park. Lunch shall be served enroute. Check into the hotel to prepare for an afternoon boat cruise along the

famous Kazinga where Lake George connects with Lake Edward. Here animals like warthogs, Buffaloes, Nile
Crocodiles, Hippopotamus along different bird species can easily be seen. After head back to the hotel for leisure as
you wait for dinner in your overnight stay.
Drive Time: 6-8hrs
Activity Time: Boat cruise along the Kazinga channel (2hours)
Meal Plan: Full board Basis.
Hotel: Mweya safari lodge (Luxury), Bufallo safari lodge (Mid-range), Mweya Hostel (Budget).
Day 6: Game drive, Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest.
Enjoy an early morning breakfast so as to head for an early morning game drive along the Kasenyi and Queens Mile
trail where you will see animals like Buffaloes, Elephants. Warthogs, kobs and different birds enjoying the savannah
vegetation. There after head to unique western side of the East African rift valley escarpment via the Ishasha Sector
to look for the famous tree climbing lions. Lunch before served in Ishasha before you proceed to Bwindi
Impenetrable National Park in the Buhoma area.
Drive Time: 6-8hrs
Activity : Game drive
Meal Plan: Full board Basis.
Hotel: Mahogany Springs lodge (Luxury), Mahogany Springs lodge (Mid-range), Buhoma view cottages. (Budget).
Day 7: Gorilla Trekking, Optional Batwa Experience.
Wake up and have an early morning breakfast at 6:30am there after your guide will take you to the park
headquarters with your lunch packed. From here you will receive a detailed briefing by park rangers about Gorilla
families, their behaviors and essential gorilla trekking guidelines to ensure safe and ecofriendly/respectful
encounters. You will then be divided into groups with a maximum of 8 people per group.
At 8:00am embark on an exclusive hiking experience into the impenetrable forest accompanied by well trained and
experienced rangers following mountain gorilla trails where along the way you will also enjoy other species that
inhabit the forest.
It should however be noted that trekking is unpredictable as it depends on the location and movement of Gorillas but
once tracked you appreciate your efforts into the jungle where you get a full hour to See Gorillas up-close and
personal in nature habitat and learn more about their lives. It is also here that you get an opportunity to take photos
of and with the gentle apes using flash less cameras.
After trekking you will go back to the park headquarters for a certificate of participation.
There after you may go for the optional Buhoma Batwa community tour that will guide you through their culture
with music, dance and storytelling or go back to the hotel for leisure as you wait for dinner to be served during this
overnight stay.
Drive Time: N/A
Activity Time: Gorilla trekking (2-8hours), optional community tour (Not specified)
Meal Plan: Full board Basis.
Hotel: Mahogany Springs lodge (Luxury), Mahogany Springs Lodge (Mid-range), Buhoma View cottages (Budget).

Day 8: Transfer to point of origin, Shopping &Photography at the Equator.
Breakfast shall be served after which you shall checkout of the hotel then drive back to your point of journey Origin
(Kampala/Entebbe). Along the way you will appreciate the beautiful sceneries. You will also stop in Kayabwe along
the Equator for photography and buying souvenirs.Lunch shall be provided enroute.
Drive Time: 9-10hours
Activity Time: Photography and shopping (30min-1hour)
Meal Plan: Breakfast only, Lunch Enroute
Hotel: N/A




Gorilla trekking permits
Chimpanzee trekking permits
Park Entrance fees.
Fees for all activities mentioned above.
Accommodation and Meals as described in the itinerary.
Return transfers to and from your point of journey origin
Personal expenses like laundry, tips etc.
Domestic &International Flights
Anything else not mentioned in the itinerary.
Children below 15 years shall not be given Gorilla Permits.
For Gorilla Permits the refund policies are determined by Government policy.
Hotel occupancy is subject to availability so changes may apply.
Refunds are subject to other suppliers refund policies as well.

Previous Pian Upe Game Reserve

Tour details

  • Tour Type Explore
  • Categories African Safari Vacation Destination
  • Capital Kampala
  • Language English
  • Time Zone UTC-7